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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Alert....Alert.....This is just a Test

Today each of the different medias will be conducting a Nationwide Emergency Test simultaneously.  Please don't be alarmed!  The test will run for 1 minute between the hour of 11-2 depending on where you live and be over before you know it.  I think the idea of a Nationwide Emergency Test is brilliant because if we have things like AmberAlerts and Hurricane Warnings, it is much easier to make sure everyone is on the same page.

Utah Preppers also reminds us that today would be a good day to double check on our 72 Hour Kits and Emergency Preparedness Plans.  Here are a few of my blogs that talk about preparing for certain types of disasters.  Hope at least one of them speaks to you!

Get Informed: What would you do if...
Would you be ready in 10 minutes?
Has the time to prepare come and gone?
Preparing for Hurricanes
Nuclear Attack: What would you do?
What's Your Plan?
Why Food Storage?

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