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Thursday, April 4, 2013

Thrifty Thursday...THRIVE with a RE-purpose!!

Good Morning!! What a beautiful Spring day it is!!
I don't know about you....but once the weather starts to get warmer, and the trees start to sprout their little buds, I get a tingling. A tingling that starts in my fingers and works all the way to my toes, and I just have to clean something!!!
This spring is a little different for us. We just moved into our very first home and I feel a little cleaned out. We have been trying to clean and organize and unpack for FOREVER now!! That is honestly the last thing I want to do these days. However, since I am nowhere near close to being done with my evergrowing to do list...I figured I better keep on truckin!
Along with my ever-growing to-do list, my funds just seemed to be disappeaaring! What is a girl to do? Well, I will tell ya! Reduce, REUSE, Recycle! I get some sort of natural high by creating a new purpose for something that would otherwise go in the trash or recycle bin! It is like a bonus!
Maybe you are like me and think, "Wow! I really love getting my Q shipments, but what am I to do with all these amazing boxes!?!?"
You have come to the right place!!! Here is a couple suggestions:
1. Let your kids build a fort!
2. Pack up some of your unused stuff and take them to Goodwill
3. Use it in your garden to prevent weeds
4. You could make awesome orgnaizing bins!
You guessed it!!! Today I am posting a tutorial on how to make your very own organizing bins out of your THRIVE Life boxes! I know....get excited!!
You may be thinking to yourself, "I am not crafty!" or "I don't know how to sew." I am hear to tell you that none of that matters! You can do this easily with a glue gun! Let's Jump In!
What are you gonna need:
a couple THRIVE Life boxes
fabric of your choice
glue gun or sewing machine (or both)

That's All!!! I know!!! AMAZING!!!
First, take your boxes and tuck the flaps inside. (I used a little hot glue to secure them)
Next, measure out and cut your fabric. I sewed everything together ....just a couple straight easy as it gets! (You could also do this with just a glue gun just as easily)
 I covered the entire outside in some cloth I had leftover from a canvas dropcloth we used while painting the house. Then I used a cute fabric I found at a discount store in the form of sheets sets to create a border.

Then, I glued the lining into the boxes and around the outer rim so that you can just see a small portion of the "cute" fabric
TA-DA!!! You can now pat yourself on the back because you have created a super thrifty and cute solution to your organizing problems! Congratulations! You have saved tons of money because really the only thing you will need to spend money on is the fabric, and I am pretty sure that you can find a great deal on that as well!!
Hopefully this spurs your excitement to get your spring cleaning done! Atleast now you have a cute spot to stash everything! :)

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