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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

April 2013 THRIVE Q Sales

Welcome Back!

New name means big changes!
It has been so hard getting used to the new name.  I know for most of you, it probably seems like... "what's the big deal.  Your food was already called THRIVE so 'THRIVE Life' isn't a huge switch."  And you're right, it shouldn't be so surprising for us, but, for many of us that have been with the company from the beginning its kind of a shocker.  As you have probably already guessed we will be needing to change our blog name as the name Shelf Reliance is no longer.

We are hoping to launch our new site as well as many of our new ideas in May or June so look forward to this amazing change.  I am starting to get excited about all that we will be able to do with this new opportunity.  We have a professional web designer from Eedee Designs working hard to make it the most user friendly, easily navigable and fresh looking site.  I hope that you will enjoy the switch!

April Showers bring lots of great sales!
Now for the Q Sales for April.  I am seriously so excited about all of the products that I had to add them all to my Q today before it ships out tomorrow.  I can't wait to start cooking up some Q recipes for next Wednesday's Post.  Then of course we'll have Chef Todd's Thrive it Up next Tuesday so you're head will be spinning with all of the potatoey goodness.  I'm sure that these spuds will be showing up soon in our weekly series that is debuting next week - Thirty Days of Thrive.  (more details below)

April Q-Pon
If you belong to the Q Club, you'll be especially glad to hear about the April Q-Pon!   It is our #1 Best Seller, Freeze Dried Pineapple.  Look out for the awesome Pineapple Upside Down Cake Recipe in your email box.

Want to see the Full Flyer?

Thirty Days of THRIVE
I have so many people ask me how to use THRIVE on a regular basis.  I will tell you that the more you use it, the less of a switch it feels.  You will begin to wonder how you ever cooked without it because it is so convenient.

In order to help you get on your way, we have been doing multiple things...

Brianna has signed on to show you how she is just getting started with the products. Most of her recipes are things that only require a few ingredient switches. This is wonderful for those beginners who think, I don't have a full pantry of THRIVE, where do I start?

Meilea has signed on to show you just how easy it is to incorporate THRIVE into your daily life especially during pregnancy, nursing and babyhood.

But, our final step is for those of you who are ready to pull out "the big guns" so to speak.  If you are a Q member and have been developing a stock pile aka loaded pantry and want to know either how to use it now or how to have a bunch of recipes to use once time gets tough, we will be doing a series where every Tuesday you can count on a family tested recipe that incorporates 100% THRIVE products except for maybe a few spices or little things you are bound to have on hand.  We hope to release an e-book with these and many more recipes by the end of the year just in time for you to give as gifts for your loved ones who may be struggling with starting with Freeze Dried products.

Please join us along the way and feel free to make suggestions of regular dishes that you would love to see turned into THRIVING meals.  If its possible, we'll do it.  We LOVE to cook!  You can email me at  I love hearing from you :)

Thanks for stopping by!

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