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Friday, April 5, 2013

Creamy Corn and Green Chile

I don't know about you, but it seems like I always have a hard time thinking of an easy side dish to add to dinner. For probably the first 3 years we were married a side dish at our dinner table consisted of a canned vegetable and a canned fruit. I still resort to the canned version of a side dish when in a pinch. But then I had a light bulb moment when using my THRIVE Life corn for another dish.

My mother in law makes this delicious corn dish. I always have seconds. I decided to try it with my food storage products. Note this was my first time EVER making it, so while I haven't necessarily perfected it, I don't see any harm in sharing it with you anyway.

You Will Need:
2 c rehydrated corn
1/2 c rehydrated green chile (feel free to use more, but I felt like this was a good ratio)
2 Tbs butter
8 oz cream cheese (I think I might add a bit more next time, because I'm a cream cheese glutton)

Melt the butter in  sauce pan with the cream cheese.
Stir in the corn and green chile.

That's it! Easy peasy and it tastes delicious!

I apologize. Last week when I posted this recipe I accidentally said 4 oz of cream cheese instead of 8. My apologies!

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