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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Shopping Saturdays: Laundry List

Welcome Back!
If you followed along on our Laundry Series for the month of March 2013 and are wondering, okay, what all do I need to get started, here is a printable shopping list for you to take so you can stock up on the supplies you'll need.

1 Time Trial or Year Supply
I have it broken down into 2 lists... the first column being if you would like to purchase items to try these things one time before committing, or the second column which tells you all of the supplies you would need if you were trying to build your Thrive Life Home Store and have a full year supply of items ready to go.

These estimates are for an average family size of around 4-5 people washing 400 loads a year.  This breaks down to about 8 loads per week.  If you know that you are doing more than that, buy accordingly!

Click to view shopping list
Do you have 15 Minutes of Time?
These simple switches that will take you less than 15 minutes total to make all 3 should save you around $175 if you were an honest measurer of laundry soap or even more if you just poured until the cups were full.  We can't wait for you to tell us how much you've saved by making the switch.

We are hoping that the average family will see that there is plenty of money that is going down the drain that can instead be used to build your home store.  Whether you are looking for emergency supplies, or more mullah to boost your pantry with the Q, these tips will be well worth your time (that is unless you make more than $175 in 15 minutes on a regular basis... yah, me either :)

Some ways to spend around $175:
2 Buckets of Instant Milk
1 Volcano Collapsable Cooking Kit
12 pack of THRIVE Whole Egg Powder
Sawyer Point 2 Bucket Kit + 2 Buckets w/ 2 Gamma Lids
Aqua Pail 1000 + The Kitchen Sink

So there's an endless amount of ways to spend it, right?!

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