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Sunday, March 31, 2013


Hello everybody!!!
We just wanted to share a little part of what our family did today!
I always thought that the moms that didn't want their kiddos to have candy were super uptight or weird. Now that I have a little one of my own and I care about his perfect little body and I want him to be happy and healthy, I completely understand!!! I want him to grow up knowing that "healthy" food is delicious!! So when I was trying to figure out how to make his first real Easter awesome....I wondered what I could fill his eggs with so that he could still enjoy the surprise of the hunt and open the eggs and eat it himself. Then it hit me.....THRIVE!!! He loves it and it is healthy, and if we lose biggie!! It won't spoil!! So I proceeded to fill his little eggs with Strawberries, Blueberries, Raspberries, Pears, Pineapple, Peas, Corn, Blueberry Yogurt Bites, Strawberry Yogurt Bites, Cherry Yogurt Bites, Pomegranate Yogurt Bites, and Vanilla Yogurt Bites.
I Love how THRIVE Life has changed our lives!! Our journey is just beginning but I am making efforts towards our family being Happy and Healthy!

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