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Monday, April 1, 2013

Mama Mondays - Baby Food Series!

Happy Monday Mamas!!!
I am starting a new series for everybody out there how wants to make their own baby food, but just doesn't know where to start.
 I was in your shoes not too long ago, you can do this!! It is so much more simple than it seems!!! Actually let me rephrase that....It is so much more simple with THRIVE!!! I will admit that I tried to make noah his baby food from the foods that we were eating, but it did not always work so well. I was really busy (as most of us are!) and I found myself using the already prepared "back up" baby food way more often than I ever wanted to. It was just so inconvenient!!! Once I started using THRIVE, it was like the heavens opened up and the angels sang a halleluia chorus!! SO SIMPLE!!! Once I started using THRIVE foods to make my baby food....he started eating everything! By this time, he was really loving finger foods and feeding himself, but I figured out something amazing....while he hated baby food peas, he gobbled up THRIVE peas!!! YAY!!! And THRIVE foods are non-GMO and you can even get them in organic now!
So I thought that I would start right where I started. I am a firm believer in starting your kiddos on greens! I believe this for a couple reasons. First, these are the least likely to cause an allergic reaction. Second, I think that if you create a love for veggies first, they will hang on to that! Third, they are easy on the digestive system. So....I started with green beans. He actually really loved them!
 I just do a couple simple steps........
1. I rehydrate whatever food I am using (I used THRIVE peas)
2. I then cook it just long enough to make it super soft and warm!
3. I put it in my blender (or baby bullet, food processor, whatever you got!)
Can you see the little man in the background anxiously awaiting his yummy peas? That would have NEVER happend with store bought baby food!
4. For some foods you may need to add a little extra water or maybe something to thicken it, like rice or rice cereal, (depending on your little one and what they prefer, I keep it pretty thin for the beginners!) Enjoy!
You can do this for any veggie (or fruit if you want to do that). My THRIVE Veggie Favorites are Sweet Peas, Green Beans, Sweet Corn, Zucchini, TomatoSpinach, Carrots, and Asparagus. Just keep in mind that it takes 7 days for your little on to develop a liking for any food. If after 7 tries they still hate it, then move on. I will post a new tip, trick, or flavor blend every 1st monday of the month....So stay tuned!

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