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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Spread the Word - Let's Earn some Free Food

Most people know that THRIVE allows you to host a food tasting demonstration in your home and earn rewards for sharing it with your friends and family.  But, did YOU know that I can offer you free and half priced food just for sending an email to your friends and family members and pasting a link to my discount site on your Facebook page?  If you place an order and have anyone else place an order during the sale, I can have their orders connected to yours.

I know people who've bought a whole year's supply of food during Black Friday due to the extreme discounts and have earned hundreds of free food by passing the deal on to others, so don't let this pass you by!

Here are the 5 easy steps:

1. Email me ( with the subject labeled HOST BENEFITS BLACK FRIDAY 2012 with your first and last name as well as email address and the words Host Benefits in the message.  Learn about raffle rewards for "Spreading the Word" here.

2. Wait for a response from me with an email for the Black Friday Holiday sales that you will be able to forward.

3. Forward this email to whoever you would like but be sure to INCLUDE MY EMAIL in the recipients list so that I can give you credit for those people when they order. Please personalize the email you send to the group by writing a little 2 or 3 sentence intro as to why you like THRIVE and are so excited for the cheapest prices of the year.  You will also earn entries into the raffle for each person you email.

4. I am not a fan of SPAM so I will not add them on to my customer list automatically in case they are not interested.  I will wait until either the individual on the list contacts me, you contact me saying they requested a log in code, or I get a sale from the website to connect them to you. 

5. When the sale is over, I will tally your order as well as those who joined you in the sale and will give you a Host Benefit Total as well as instructions on how this works.  Then we will set up a time for me to place the order over the phone with you.

To view the full chart on how much free and half priced retail food you can earn, go here.

To thank you for sharing the message, you will be joining me in the "Project Preparedness" in which 100% of my referral commissions will be going to Humanitarian Aid in order to bless the lives of those who were affected by the Sandy Hurricane and other similar disasters.  And, as always, THRIVE contributes 5% of all sales to THRIVING Nations.  Thank you for helping in the effort to Pay it Forward.

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