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Saturday, November 17, 2012

Black Friday $70 Raffle and Complete Sale Details

As many of you know, I love to give things away.  I've raffled a Harvest 72, cookbooks, food, under the bed rack, 72 hour kit.... what can I say, its fun!

One of the things I did last year that many people enjoyed was a raffle to thank my valued Black Friday customers.  I learned later that you cannot have someone entered in for a drawing because they made a purchase because that is considered gambling--- oops :(

This year I will have to do the point system a little different, but I feel confident that it will allow more people to participate as well as create a more even playing field.  Also, instead of choosing an item to raffle off, I am going to let YOU choose what you would like to buy.  Sounds great, right???  Because I will also be taking advantage of this incredible sale and get you more product for the money, the entries must be in by no later than noon on Monday so I will have time to add up the points, write the winner to get the address and place the order.

To earn these points, you must leave a comment at the bottom of this page.  Please list one comment per type of entry you do so it will be easier for me to count the points in the end.  Please also leave a comment with what you choose to spend the money on as well as an email so I can write you if you are the winner.   If you would feel more comfortable emailing me your address rather than posting your email on the comment section that is completely fine, but please still leave comments for entries. Thank you!

Ready to win $70 in free product?  Let's do this!

Here is the point system:

Spreading the word on the sale is the biggest way to help the largest group of people so this is where the majority of the points will go.

  - 1 point for each person you email about the sale.  Go here for details on how to do this and receive points.  Please note that I must be on the recipient list so I can count the number of emails.  I WILL NOT be adding their emails to my discount database until I receive permission from them first.

   - 15 points for "Hosting an Online Black Friday Event" Same post for details.

   - 5 points for posting a link on Facebook to my Black Friday website.  Please personalize the post with what you love about THRIVE and why you are excited about it being such a good sale.  Maybe tell others the product you are most excited to buy.  This is the link:

   - 3 points for going to my site during the Black Friday event and letting me know the product you are most excited to buy.

   - 5 points if anyone you refer to me ends up Hosting an Online Event as well.

   - 1 point for stating what you want to win and having it add up correctly :)

   - 10 points if you have a blog and you write a post about this sale with links to my website.

   - 1 point for each person who visits from your blog. (Don't you just love Google Analytics!)

Here are the ads so you can start shopping.


  1. Oh my goodness!!! I am so excited about this!!! I will be doing all of this!!! I will keep ya posted!!!

  2. Posted like a billion times of facebook!!

  3. After looking at your site the prodcuts that excite me the most are the freeze dried fruits and veggies!!! It is amazing that we can have great food like this in our food storage!! Can't wait to get my own!!!

  4. I figured out what I want if I win!!!
    Whole Wheat Flour, Pancake Mix, Instant Milk, Scrambled Egg Mix, Sweet Corn = 69.95!!!

  5. Here is my blog post!

  6. I emailed people yesterday, but didn"t have this email yet. I am excited for apricots, mangos, zucchini, mushrooms and yogert. I'm sure that is more than $70, but hey, those are the things I want to add to my food storage!

  7. ok, if I take off the veggies, it's closer to $70!
