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Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ya'll ready for this? BLACK FRIDAY!!!

Please note that the link will connect you to the actual sale once the sale is available
but currently connects you to the link for the flyer.
Shelf Reliance Black Friday Sale 2012
It is that spectacular time of year again when Shelf Reliance drops their prices lower than low, internet crashes due to high demand and we all have loads of food shipped to us and our close family members making even our pantry cupboards smile!

Here's the difference.  This year, Shelf Reliance will only be offering this sale to customers of consultants and sales are while supplies last ONLY.  If you do not already have a consultant with whom you are working, I can fill that gap for you!!!  You will be able to get this fabulous discount by going to my website during the sale.

Not sure if you are already connected to my site?  If you would like to join in on this fantastic deal, simply email me at with the subject line BLACK FRIDAY 2012 and I will be more than happy to email you the information on the sales as well as step-by-step instructions on how to share these deals with your family members and friends.  Better yet, you can earn 10% in free food as well as half priced product just for sharing these amazing deals.

If you are ready to save like never before, get prepared.

- Start taking inventory so you know what things you are in need of stocking up on.  Its better than scrambling to do that in the process of making a Thanksgiving Dinner.

- Start collecting emails and phone numbers of friends who will be interested.  This is something you will want to share.  I've had people earn free shelves, food, 72 kits and more with all of the free product they've earned.  Your friends will then be able to share with their friends and family and earn the same great deals.

- Figure out a day that will work for you.  Typically I am busy from dawn til dusk with this sale because it is THAT good.  They have not told us how long this sale will last, but typically they announce the deals to the public around Wednesday or Thursday and have it last a few days.  Schedule your time with me first so you will get first come first serve.  I love taking time to figure exactly what you need so I can optimize your budget money. Please note that you will be able to shop on your own on the my discount website, but if you would like to earn free product based on friends orders, I will have to place the free and half off order.

-Your friends and family members will all need discount codes to my discount site.  Get the emails to me as well as permission to send them sale information ASAP.

- Decide how much money you are wanting to spend.  I have some people who are pretty sure they want to order, but spend the whole sale time figuring out how much they want to spend then place their order in a rush on the last day.  Consult your spouse, wallet, bank account.... whoever you need NOW so you will be in agreement.

The first people to place their orders will be the first people to receive their orders.  Each year this deal gets BIGGER and BIGGER. Please don't be last in line!

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