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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

THRIVE Instant Milk Wins Hands Down

If you are trying to decide between Instant Milk and Non-Instant Milk, there are enough alternatives out there to make your head spin.  Really....everyone and their brother has an opinion out there of who is best but very few people have actually tried all that is offered.  Shelf Reliance always strives to be the best but we're biased on thinking we have the best product so we wanted to make sure others agree.

This is the recording of a blind taste test of our milk with all others that are out there.  To make it a completely fair test, we even included store bought milk in the mix to see how we compare to the best competition of all.  Can you guess the results???

Yep, we were #1!  Even before store bought milk....booya!

If you'd like to try it today, email me at today to request a sample from my home.  Disclaimer, this is from my home.  We are not a GF household so please take that into consideration when asking for this milk.

To order milk for your home store you can go to my discount site.  Click on the picture for direct links:

THRIVE Instant Milk
Chocolate Drink Mix
Powdered Milk Cookbook
Non-Instant Milk Alternative

To follow me and receive blog updates, sales info and more tips, you can subscribe to my emails here. Thanks for stopping by!
Tiffany Daumueller
Independent Consultant and Director at Shelf Reliance/ THRIVE Foods

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Just getting started on the food storage journey?

Tips: Buying in bulk always saves you more.  One bucket is the price of 6 cans but it holds 8 cans.  That's like getting 33% free :) 

Also, tomorrow I'll be posting some excellent cookbooks and recipe websites I'd recommend.

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