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Wednesday, September 19, 2012

I Just Got Started, Now What?

Alert! Did you see my post about our Instant Milk winning the taste test yesterday? Our Instant Milk Bucket sale is back!  Check out the details here.  Order here.

Jumping into the world of canned food can seem overwhelming at first.  The food seems so foreign because its dried and you're never quite sure when you should rehydrate the food first or just leave it dry.  Thankfully there are many "pioneers" of sorts who have traveled this road long before you so you do not have to reinvent the wheel!

Today I wanted to give you a few places to get started on recipes.  My hopes for October is that I will be able to start some linky parties with other customers and consultants who would like to join in on the fun.  If you are interested in joining in on the fun, please leave a comment with your name and email and I will let you know what the plan will be.  It will be simple and sweet....don't you just love sharing!

Ok, back on focus.  Here's my favorite book for just getting started on food storage.  To order books, or be connected to sites, just click on the picture and you'll be redirected.

My Top Picks for Cookbooks that will get
Your Home Store in Shape:
#1 I Can't Believe It's Food Storage

Crystal goes over all of the basics for people who are just getting started. Has places to set goals with different foods and has you ease your way in. Very handy starter book.

#2 Deals to Meals Blog

Though Shandra doesn’t have a cookbook, she should!  I have developed a “cookbook” of recipes that I have put together from her site all put together on a Microsoft Word document.  I love her and can’t recommend her enough.  Her program that she has with grocery shopping the sales is fun and easy to follow so you know you’re getting a good deal.  I would highly recommend checking out her program as you also get recipes related to the weekly deals on top of the savings.

#3 Our very own THRIVE cookbook :)

This cookbook has alot of helpful conversion charts for those of you who are thinking, okay, I just got started, now what?!

#4 Make a Mix and similar cookbooks

Though Shelf Reliance doesn't sell this one yet, they should.  It has tons of recipes that you can mix into a jar and a-la-ca-zam you’ve got dinner.  She also explains the basics of making mixes from the recipes your family already uses and loves.

#5 The Sneaky Chef and all of the follow up books are AWESOME!

This chef goes beyond recipes.  I love her book because she explains how to combine foods for maximum nutritional benefits.  I have had many customers who have turned our FD food into easy-to-sneak-in partners in crime to create fantastic sneakily healthy recipes.  She also has a website that has tons of free recipes to help you get started.

#6 Volcano Cookbook
Though this is a thin cookbook, it really helps break the ice for people who are just getting started with this alternative cooking lifestyle.  If we had to live without power, this would be one less thing to have to freak out about.  We also sell the Volcano Oven, the full kit as well as the "upgrades".  I can't wait to use mine.

Your Turn: What are your favorite recipe website or book secrets?  I'd love to hear them!

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Thanks for Stopping By!
Tiffany Daumueller
Independent Consultant and Director at Shelf Reliance/ THRIVE Foods

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