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Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November Q Club Member Special

The THRIVE food special for this month is something I use alot.  I didn't used to be someone who liked cornbread, but after having some from Shelf Reliance, I was in love.  Cornbread, Cornmeal pancakes, Pizza crust seasoning....I love it in everything I've tried so far.

To add cornmeal onto your current Q or to become a Q Club member click here.

Want to join the Q but don't feel like you have the time to set it up?  Send me an email with your preferred email, name, number of family members you are preparing for, genders and preferred supply amount (6 months, 1 year) and I'd be more than happy to set one up for you.

If you liked this post, you might also like 10 Benefits of Being on the Q and Thrive Q Videos.

To learn more about the current sale starting tomorrow, you can go directly to my discount website or you can view the hot new products being announced.

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