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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Top 12 Sellers

I frequently get asked, what are Shelf Reliance's top sellers.  Well, now they made it easy for us to see just what everyone else is stocking up in their homes.  Here ya go!

326 Piece Osha First Aid Kit
I brainer, right?  All of your first aid needs in one shot.  I love it and use mine frequently....oh wait, that sounds bad.  Injuries aren't something to brag about ;)

I know that I say it alot, but water storage is SOOOO important.  Drinking purified water is also extremely important.  Make sure you have a source to get it safe enough to drink.  This tool can also be used in 
non-emergencies for all of us woodsy people!

I like that this can be used in the middle of the woods if emergency response was not readily available, or even at an athletic event if a player were to have a spontaneous serious injury.  This allows the bleeding to stop in a flash so there is no need for loss of excessive, unnecessary blood.

For the pyro in your life, this fire starter has rave reviews.  It can light a fire even in the POURING RAIN.  It is so light weight that it seems a smart choice to add to your backpack if you are a frequent hiker, backpacker, hunter, etc.

We take for granted all of our natural clean water sources that would be diminished in the event of many emergencies.  I know some people take this camping, hiking, hunting, and others have them on hand "just in case".  Only you can decide how much you will use this quick and easy water cleansing tool.

We forget how important "dry things" are until the Storms set in.  I like how these are ready and dependable.

Ever heard the saying 2 is 1 and 1 is none?  That's where I think that all of these stove sources come in handy; you are never sure what type of emergency you are going to have and what things will happen that might prevent you from using the main source you had picked out.  Don't forget to get a variety of food cooking resources!

I know its no secret that I love my Sun Oven, but with the built in thermometer, pivoting tray, convenient folding and ability to cook whenever there's sun (EVEN IN THE WINTER!), I'm in love with this thing.

This is brilliant.   A filter in a water never have to remember to pack the filter with you again.  No more worrying about which end was the spout for dirty vs. clean water. This item is very popular at parties.  (I'm sure you guessed that already since this is a top 12 list!)

Ever heard about these things? I learned more by going to  I love that Shelf Reliance offers them at the same great price.  These things are completely stackable due to male female parts. Convenient size that wouldn't be too heavy to grab and go.  Wonderful for water storage.

This tiny yet sturdy convenient fuel source amazes me.

Like this post and want to know more about Water StorageSun Ovens or escaping emergency situations in a flash?

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for pointing this out Tiffany! I hope they do it for Thrive as well!
