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Monday, May 20, 2013

MM - Flourishing Family.....Sneaky Sneaky!!!!

Happy Monday Mamas!!!
Today I am feeling a little sneaky....I have a friend who is trying to get her very picky eater to try new things. Now, SO FAR....I have been really lucky. There are very few things that my little guy will not eat. However, it got me thinkin, what if all the sudden he doesn't want to eat anything but mac & cheese and hot dogs, perhaps in tribute to his auntie who did this very thing when she was little! Oh the HORROR!!! But seriously, can I just let him do that and feel good about it....simple answer is no.
So I put my sneaky mom thinking cap on and did a little research.
Did you know....that it takes a child 7 times of tasting something to either incorporate or reject a single taste from their developing palate?
Did you know....that even at a young age, kids can incorporate very "grown-up" tastes into their palate?
Did you know....that we as Americans are pretty much the only culture that offers our children food options other than what the rest of the family is eating?
Now that we are armed with information, let's get down to business. What are we gonna do about these picky kiddos? I will tell you! We are gonna train their palate....slowly.
I started thinking about the many advantages that we as mama get to give our kids by feeding them THRIVE. First, most of them love that it is weird!! They love that they are eating "astronaut food"!
Second, because these foods are freeze dried, we can use them in ways that the kiddos would never even imagine!
Case in point, the lovely recipe that Tiffany has given us for Mac & Cheese.  You might be thinking to yourself, how could we possibly make this awesome recipe any better? Answer: sneak in some veggies!!! Because we are using THRIVE, we can take any vegetable that our little ones do not like and blend it (while it is in freeze dried form) to make a meal or powder. Once this is accomplished, you can add in this "powder" into anything you are eating already. Do this long enough and the kiddos will start to develop a taste for that veggie!!! Cool right!! The neat thing is, you are making whatever dish you add them to healthier for everyone! You can also use this veggie powder as an awesome on the go baby food, just add water!
One of my favorite things to make is cauliflower pizza. It is an awesome way to sneak in some veggies and they won't even care cuz they just love the pizza. Here is what you need:

Coconut Oil or Non-stick spray
2 ½ cups FD cauliflower crumbles (I like to prepare them the same way I prepare graham cracker crust...although slightly more coarse)
4 Cups of hot water
1 TBL. Whole Egg Powder, prepared (Add 2 TBL. water)
1 cup mozzarella cheese
2 tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese
Salt and black pepper (or Peppercorn Blend)
1/4 cup homemade or store bought tomato sauce
1/2 cup shredded mozzarella cheese
Any of your favorite toppings!! Get Creative!!!
Basil Seasoning for garnish
DirectionsPreheat oven to 425 degrees. Line your baking sheet with parchment paper.
Crush the cauliflower until you have about 2 cups of cauliflower crumbles. Place in a large bowl and add hot water. Let sit for about 5 minutes. Remove, strain all the excess water and let cool. Mix in the egg, mozzarella, Parmesan cheese, and salt and pepper. Once combined, pat into the prepared pizza pan. Brush lightly with the coconut oil (or spray with cooking spray) and bake for 10-15 minutes, or until golden. (Watch this closely, ovens vary)
Top the pizza with the sauce, mozzarella, and your favorite toppings. Bake in the oven until melted and bubbly, about 10 minutes. Top with basil before serving. Yummy!!!

1 comment:

  1. I had NO idea that you could use cauliflower for pizza crust. YUM! I've only used it as a mashed potato replacer.

