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Friday, March 30, 2012

Certfied GF? Boy oh boy things just got certifiably better!

New to my blog?  Glad to have you!
I am a consultant at Shelf Reliance and as such am able to give you factory direct pricing on my discount site.  The only way to get it cheaper is to become a Q member or become a consultant.  To learn more about these options you can go to my discount site. If you would like to be the first to know about Shelf Reliance sales, you can sign up for emails from my blog.  
Gluten Free Food...Coming Your Way
As most of you have probably guessed with the announcement of the new Gluten Free Year Supply Package they have going for 35% off, Shelf Reliance has done it again.  They have made getting that piece of mind and building your home store an option for everyone now!  Not looking to buy a package?  Wish you had more options?  That is completely fine.  You can click on any of these items and add it to your cart once you get to the discount site.  Better yet, figure out what would make up a year supply for your family and set up a monthly budget of your own.

Now for the details.... what all has been certified as safe for you? If you have any more questions, I'd love to hear from you. My email is TiffsTreasures (at) gmail (dot) com.  Typically I respond within the same day often same hour.  Hit me with your best shot and I'd love to find an answer.  If I don't know the answer, I will find someone who does as long as the answer is out there! Without further adieu... 

Rice Flour
White Rice
Instant Rice

Apple Chips
Apple Slices
FD Apricots
FD Bananas
Banana Chips
FD Blackberries
FD Blueberries
FD Mangoes
FD Peach Slices
FD Pears
FD Pineapple Chunks
FD Raspberries
FD Strawberries

FD Broccoli
Carrot Dices
FD Cauliflower
FD Celery
FD Sweet Corn
FD Green Beans
FD Mushroom Pieces
FD Chopped Onions
Chopped Onions
FD Green Peas
Split Green Peas
Mixed Bell Peppers
Potato Beads
Potato Chunks
FD Spinach
Sweet Potatos
Tomato Powder

Bacon TVP
Chicken TVP
Taco TVP
Instant Black Beans
Black Beans
Kidney Beans
Lima Beans
Pinto Beans
Instant Pinto Beans
Small Red Beans
Instant Red Beans
Small White Navy Beans
Whole Eggs
FD Chicken Dices
FD Roast Beef
FD Ground Beef
FD Ham Dices
FD Turkey

Cheese Blend
FD Cheddar Cheese
FD Colby Cheese
FD Monterey Jack
FD Mozzarella
Instant Milk
Powdered Milk
Sour Cream Powder

Baking Powder
Baking Soda
Butter Powder
Iodized Salt
Shortening Powder
Brown Sugar
Powdered Sugar
White Sugar

Thanks for stopping by!
If you are new to my blog or new to Shelf Reliance, I'm glad to have you.  I am a consultant at Shelf Reliance and as such am able to give you factory direct pricing on my discount site.  The only way to get it cheaper is to become a Q member or become a consultant.  To learn more about these options you can go to my discount site, or explore it on my blog. If you would like to be the first to know about Shelf Reliance sales, you can sign up for emails from my blog.  Hope to see you again soon!

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