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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Win Free Food for Spreading the Word

**If you are interested in earning your choice of a 2 of the following : 1 free can of FD Pineapple and FD Yogurt, THRIVE cookbook or FD Onions just for sharing the news of the sale, here's what you've got to do. (A retail value of almost $80)

1. Email me and ask for a copy of the price list for the Grand Opening Sale running September 1-5. (2 entries)

2. Email it to as many friends as you'd like, heck you can let the world know, BUT please add me to the list to so I can see how many people you emailed it to. (1 entry for each person you forward it to)Plus you can earn half off and free credit for each person you inform about the sale that makes a purchase since I'll be doing online parties.

3. "Like Me" on Facebook. (1 entry)

4. Follow my blog. (3 entries)

5. Facebook the link to my website and have this quotation with it: "Shelf Reliance is having a Grand Opening Sale with items up to 25% off.  It's their biggest sale of the year.  You can go to this website like I did to get the biggest discount available." (5 entries)

6. Later on, Facebook a link to my blog so they can join in on the fun sweepstakes. (5 entries)  Make sure you leave a link in the comments so I can go look at your page and see that you posted it!

7. I'd like to hear what the most popular choices are so I know best what to offer in the future, so please post your choices as a comment below this blog.  (ie. If you were going to choose 1 Pomegranite Yogurt and 1 Pineapple, let me know in the comment section)  

If anyone reaches over 100 entries, I will automatically throw in a free THRIVE cookbook bringing the package retail value to just over $100.

-Shelf Reliance Mom

This work is the work of Tiffany Daumueller.  Please do not copy, republish or repost whether in an email, blog or any other post as I took my personal time to type this out.  This does not include the people who are participating in the contest.  Thank you!

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