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Wednesday, June 1, 2011

No more tears- Freeze Dried Onions to the Rescue

Have you heard of the event 30 Days of Faves Blogs Party?  If you are a fellow home parties consultant or would like to see what other people have to offer you should check them out. For the next 30 days I'll be letting you know what my top favorite products are, recipes to use or ways to get prepared for an emergency. If you have any questions or favorites of your own, feel free to let me know about what you'd like to hear. If you'd like to sample this or another product email me at to request one today.

Day 1

Do you hate chopping onions? Is crying while you're making dinner not your thing? Or maybe you'd be totally willing to take the prep if you could just get your kids to eat them for once...

Enter FD Onions

Freeze Dried Onions give you all of the flavor and nutrition of fresh onions with the convenience of fresh only being a scoop away. After trying these babies you'll never want to fuss with raw store bought onions or chopped onion shakers ever again.  I hated when I would take the time to cut mine as finely as possible the miss a few longer pieces.  My son would get his dinner and say, "I don't eat ailelons...(onions!)" and would rather starve than go to bed.  He never catches these and they really taste so fantastic that its a nice thing to check off of my list of ways to sneak into my sons meals!

A recipe I'm sure you'd love to try which features this favorite is Dinner in 20 minutes- Easy Chicken and Rice.  I will be posting more recipes as the month goes on and these will definitely be in more recipes to come!

If you are interested in purchasing, you can go straight to my consultant site by clicking here and you'll never have to worry about coupons again as the company guarantees that consultants get THE LOWEST prices available.  The only thing that beats that is by joining as one of my "Q Members".  To learn more about becoming a member, you can watch the Thrive Q Video to see just how convenient it is.  For an example of some of the savings you can expect to see read about March's Q Club Member Discount on Strawberries.   Check back tomorrow to learn more about what June's special item will be as well as about becoming a Platinum Member for FREE!!!

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