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Monday, June 20, 2011

Chicken Enchiladas featuring the Magic Mix

These recipe and excellent step-by-step directions come from Rena Hearn at

I love this book!  This was my first book I ever purchased about food storage, about a year before I became a Shelf Reliance consultant.   She breaks down how to use food storage items that you may be new to you, such as whole wheat, powdered eggs and powdered milk.  She also has conversion charts that I copied and keep in my kitchen for quick reference.

One of the wonderful things I learned from her book was how to make Magic Mix.  It was developed by the Utah State Extension Service as part of their Don't Waste Your Milk Campaign.  For some great recipes and ideas visit this link and download the top 5 files.
I found lots of new uses for Magic Mix and can't wait to print these out and try them!

Magic Mix
1 c All Purpose Flour
1 c (2 sticks) Butter at room temperature.  (I have usedTHRIVE Butter Powder before!)

I use my Kitchen Aid Mixer with the wisk attachment.  To the flour and milk, simply add the butter a slice at a time.

Every now and then you may need to stop your mixer and strap the wisk.
When it has a cornmeal like texture you are done.  Don't over mix, because you don't want to warm up the butter and cause it to melt down...don't ask how I know that!   Store in an empty Thrive or coffee can in the fridge.
Chicken Enchiladas
2/3 cup Magic Mix
1 cup boiling water
1 can Enchilada Sauce
warm flour tortillas

Reconstitute the chicken, onions and mixed peppers in the same bowl by covering with water for about 15 minutes then drain.  Reconstitute the cheese by placing in a plastic bowl with lid and adding 1T of water.  Put lid on bowl and shake up!  Every few minutes give it another shake.
Place about 2 T chicken mixture on a flour tortilla, sprinkle with a little cheese and roll up.  Place in glass casserole dish that has been sprayed with nonstick spray.  How many it makes will depend on how much chicken you like in them.

To make sauce wisk in 2/3 cup Magic Mix into boiling water. 
Stir as it thickens!  Add salt, pepper and garlic to taste.   Stir in enchilada sauce.
Wisk in THRIVE Sour Cream Powder.  Pour over enchiladas and top with any remaining cheese.  Bake in 350 degree oven until sauce is nice and bubbling hot. 
YUMMY!!!  Give it a try and let me know how it turns out.
More great recipes with Magic Mix are coming soon!  I LOVE this stuff!!

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