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Monday, April 11, 2011

Inflation is occurring...even LDS cannery prices are climbing!

Has anyone bought food or gas lately?  I remember a time when it would cost $40 to fill up a van, it now costs $60 to fill my van...YIKES! If you've gone shopping for food, you've probably noticed that the sales don't seem quite as great as before.  The reason for all of this madness?  Inflation is occurring! It's a huge sign when the LDS cannery prices which are historically one of the cheapest places to get food are climbing up at astounding rates.  Just 3 short months ago the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints put out a new price list due to the rising cost of food.  Now in April there are jumps as high as 49% on some items of food with the average jump sitting right around 20%.  For any of you saying, I'm not good at math, what does that mean... it means, if you were to be paying $3.60 for gas today and suddenly tomorrow the price were raised to $5.36.  If that can of soup at the store had been $1.99 the next day it was $2.96.  THIS IS HUGE!!!  The crazier thing is that average increase is usually around 4% a year.  If you think about it, this is 12x that in 1/4 the time so that is a 48x increase than what is normal.  This, my friends, is why we have food storage.  Even if you were never to have a natural disaster hit, even if you were never to lose a job, buying food now that is 48x as expensive in a years time is better than any investment you could ever pour your money in because when all else fails... you can eat.  If you are still not convinced that I know what I'm talking about, maybe these articles will help you understand what I'm saying:  Keeping up with Inflation from the Washington TimesLoad Up the Pantry from the Online Wallstreet JournalPrices at the LDS canneries show inflation for food up between 11 and 49% .  All of these articles give you a brief look into what reality we are facing.  Ok, time to get off of my soap box.

I will try to start posting more recipes that I find for other sites as I test them.  The problem is I usually change things up to make it healthier.  I'll try to be better ;)  Until then, Deals to Meals is an awesome place to start!

PS. Time is almost up on the Food and Water Package so if you want to get in on this deal before the prices rise again, please email me at

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