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Thursday, April 11, 2013

Windowsill Herb Garden

I've always wanted a window above my kitchen sink. Mainly for two reasons, so I can look out into the yard and see my child(ren) play, and so I can have an herb garden. We just bought our first house a few months ago and guess what? I have a window above my sink that looks out onto our back patio. I often send Jaxon out to play while I do the dishes and I can keep an eye on him the whole time!

Now that the sun is coming out on a regular basis and the days are warming up I knew it was time to fulfill part 2 of my kitchen window dream.

I had seen pictures floating around Pinterest showing various types of containers for herb gardens. I decided to use my empty pantry cans. First remove the label from the can and give it a good rinse. Then decorate it! You can do several different methods. I stuck with spray paint. I used a can of Krylon I already had on hand. It took about 2 minutes to spray both cans, 1 minute for the first coat, and another minute for the second. You could also use a hot glue gun and some twine/jute and wrap it around the can, leave it plain, or even try scrap book paper (since it's going above my sink and I'll be watering the plant I decided against paper). Fill your can partially with some potting soil and add your herb! I bought some peppermint from our local Ace for $2.50. I also bought some basil in the dollar section at Target. When I bought it last week there weren't many left, but when I went yesterday they had tons! Cilantro was the only other option at my Target, but maybe you'll be lucky and have more options. The basil comes in a little green house kit that you grow it in (from a seed). Once the plant is about 3 inches tall you transfer it to another container.

You could also use your pantry cans for lots of other storage options: a container to put your pens/pencils in, a toothbrush holder, to hold your makeup brushes (this is what I decided to do until I empty another pantry can), use it to hold combs/brushes, you can even use it to hold eating utensils for a party or barbecue! There are SO many options and you can really customize them anyway you want! I can't wait to make more!

This is what you start with a pantry can!

 Here it is in my window (bad lighting!) next to my basil "greenhouse"

Now you can see it better, I just love this blue/teal color, it's soo dreamy!

Next to my bathroom sink holding my makeup brushes and eyeliners.

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