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Monday, April 29, 2013

Mama Mondays! Quick Dinner!

Happy Monday Mamas!
I hope you enjoyed your weekend as much as I did....My only complaint was that it went too darn fast!!!
Anyways, I have been doing a lot of thinking lately, (which for those that know me best know that this is dangerous!), but I "think" I have come up with a good idea....
Who wants a great, healthy, almost sinful dinner that you can put together for the family in record time? Yeah! Me too!!! Well hold on to your it comes!!!
Amazing Chicken and Broccoli Alfredo
THRIVE Pasta of your choice (egg noodle pasta rocks!)

This is the most simple and crazy delicious meal!!! MY whole family loves it!!! What did my 14 month old think of it you ask? Well he ate just about as much of this as mom and dad did!!! He went to bed last night with a super full tummy!!!
Just cook your pasta as usual, and in the last minute or two, add in your chicken and broccoli! Strain and prepare your sauce (Which is insanely easy BTW) and toss everything together!! Ta-Da!!! 15 minutes and you have an amazing dinner that everyone will love!
Happy Eating!!!

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