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Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Volcano Stove Giveaway Begins Today!

Getting together all of the preps that are needed for your family can be tough on a limited budget, especially when it is a big ticket item.  I am grateful that we at Shelf Reliance Mom are able to follow our company's example and pay it forward a bit by offering an awesome giveaway every couple of months.  In order to show appreciation to our faithful readers, customers, and friends, I am pleased to announce the giveaway for this month to be the Volcano Collapsible Cooking Kit.  This kit retails for almost $170 but can be yours for free.

Ready to learn how?  Of course you are!

Please leave a separate comment for each thing that you do to enter so it is easier to tally the entries at the end of the giveaway.  No purchase necessary!

Follow us! (Up to 4 pts)
There are a few ways to follow us.  Choose as many as you'd like and you will get 1 point for each.  If you are already doing any of these, just say so! You must do at least one of these to qualify as this contest is for my loyal readers:
1. Follow our Blog Posts by email.
2. Follow our Monthly Specials Newsletter by email.
3. Follow us on Facebook.
4. Follow us on Pinterest.

Tell us why. (1 pt.)
Why would you like to win this prize? (1 pt)

Sharing is Caring! (Up to 8 pts)
1. Share this page on Facebook by liking it at the bottom of the page, then  copying and pasting this link to your status. (1 pt.)
2. Pin the Giveaway Announcement on your Pinterest. (1 pt.)
3. Copy and paste a link of your favorite post to your Facebook. (1 pt.)
4. Pin your favorite links to Pinterest. (Maximum of 3)
5. Email your friends and family about this opportunity. (1 pt)  If they put that you referred them on their post, you will receive an additional point.
6. If you were referred here by someone else, list them as your referral and you and they will both receive an additional point. (1 pt.)

Finally, help us improve. (2 pts)
Either email us at or leave a post suggesting some things that would be really helpful for you to learn about in the future.  
-Do you need more recipes? 
-Are you just getting started in the emergency prep side of things?  
-Have some products that really stump you?  
-Have an emergency prep item you've been drooling over that you'd love for us to offer in the future? 

We'd love to hear about it and learn what we can be do to better serve you.

Rules and Regulations:
- You must make a comment for each entry you do so it is easier to tally up.
- You must be living within the Continental US as this product is not offered in Alaska, Hawaii or Canada.  Sorry :(
- You must be entered by April 1, 2013 at 11:59 pm.
- Winner will be announced on April 2, by 8:00 pm.

We do have some ideas of series we are going to start offering that have been requested by readers in the past... 
Momma Mondays Lots of women ask about the health benefits of these foods and how to make things for their families so they can start rotating their Q groceries into their regular food supply
Chef Todd Tuesdays These days will be devoted to product announcements, Q sales, new product announcements, and Chef Todd Tips that strike a chord with us
Whimsical Wednesdays Hodgepodge of emergency tips, how products are used, storing the food and other advice
Thrifty Thursdays How we save money and make additional funds available for prepping
Freeze Dried Fridays A Large Variety of New Recipes 

Why is it important to share this opportunity with others?  
Something thrilling to think about is that the winner of the previous giveaway, Meilea Hester, actually joined our Shelf Reliance Team and is now a coauthor on the blog.  She is a fabulous cook and inspiration to all so we are happy to have her here.  She is ready to start teaching others the same self reliance principles she is adapting in her life and will be running the Momma Mondays.  Please spread the word and allow others the same privilege of getting their families prepared to weather life's storms.


  1. I was already an email subscriber

  2. I just liked and followed on Facebook

  3. I shared this contest on Facebook

  4. I would like to win this contest because I need a way to cook when there is no electricity or sunshine (I live in the Pacific NW, so my sun oven won't be usable every day)

  5. I would like to win this just for preparedness reasons. I have to keep feeding my family of 5 even when the lights go out or in the case of a food shortage.

  6. I followed the blog posts email list

  7. I followed the specials monthly newsletters

  8. I shared this page on Facebook

  9. Pinned this giveaway on Pinterest

  10. I posted a link to my favorite blog post onto Facebook

  11. Pinned 3 links to my pinterest

  12. I emailed my friends about this opportunity

  13. Just sent my email on tips and suggestions! A prepping item i would love to see in a giveaway is a huge water storage of some sort. Thanks for this blog
