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Saturday, March 9, 2013

Hello Everyone!

Hello!       I am so excited to be here!!!
Perhaps we should start with an introduction.....
My name is Meilea Hester and I just joined the Shelf Reliance Mom team along with my sweet husband Terry. I am new to the Team, but I am not new to the benefits of using THRIVE food.
My husband Terry, Myself, and our little one Noah 
 Our lives have been crazy for the past 2.5 years and we have had several twist and turns and bumps in the road. Me and my husband both graduated and found jobs (YAY!), and lost them due to the economy. We also purchased our first home, which is awesome, but it has been a crazy ride!
Most importantly we added the best part of our crazy little life, our 1 year old son Noah!!
My cute little bug just destroying his birthday cake!! He LOVED it!!!
Our lives have changed so much since he came to us just over a year ago. We live for this kid! I think that this was the major motivation for us to want to be self reliant, and what lead us to THRIVE.
I want to be able to provide my family with good, delicious, and nutritious matter what life brings!!
I am hoping that I can help showcase just how amazing these foods are and what they can bring to your life! For now, let's enjoy the ride!

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