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Thursday, January 31, 2013


Hey everybody!! My name is Brianna and this is my very first post for Shelf Reliance Mom. I am super excited to be joining Tiffany! I just thought for my first post that I would do a little write up about me and some odd but hopefully fun facts about me.

This is my little family. It's from 2 Christmases in 2011. We're a little behind. Pretty sad that this is the most recent family photo...

A lot has changed since this photo was taken. Jaxon had his first and second birthday. Jacob has a new job. We bought our first house (scary and exciting!). 6 months after this picture was taken I was diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes. We're also expecting our second baby!

Part of the reason I'm excited to be joining Tiffany is because I am always looking for ways to be more self reliant, feed my family good food, and control my diabetes. I hope that I'll be able to share what I learn with you and that in turn we can help each other! So to conclude my first post I wanted to share 10 facts about myself with you.

1. I love making lists.
2. I use exclamation marks A LOT.
3. I don't have a favorite color. How can you pick just one?
4. I am addicted to Hulu and Netflix.
5. Once I get into a book I have to finish it and will spend every spare minute reading.
6. I sleep a lot. I'm talking at least 8 hours a night and usually a nap during the day, but hey I'm pregnant!
7. I practically live at Target.
8. I love having a clean and organized house, but it rarely is.
9. I pretty much live in my pajamas and only get dressed when I absolutely have to leave the house.
10. Diet Dr. Pepper is heaven sent.

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