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Friday, October 12, 2012

Sugar, na na nah na nah na Awwww Honey, Honey

I love new products, and I loooove that Shelf Reliance listens to requests because the things I hear most requested from my awesome customers are the things that get added most quickly.  If you have products you'd like, you can send me an email to or leave a comment below and I will be sure to send it in!

Alright, so after this announcement I have my fingers crossed so so tight that we will get Peanut Butter soon. Who doesn't love a good Peanut Butter and Honey I right?  Well, my husband eats one EVERY WEEKDAY so this announcement was quite exciting to me in particular.

Yay for Honey

FAQs about Honey Crystals:

Does Shelf Reliance sell Honey?
Why yes, yes we do ;)

What is the Shelf Life of Thrive Honey Crystals?
It is good for 25 years sealed in a can and 1 year once opened.

Where do you buy it?
You can buy it at My Online Shelf Reliance Discount site and it is available to be added to your Q.

Why is there refined cane sugar in the honey?
Like some products, honey is one where the flavor changes in the drying process and was needed to maintain optimal flavor and consistency.

How do you use it?
You can rehydrate it or use it in a recipe as is cup for cup as a sugar replacement.  This should be good news for those of you who prefer not to have lots of white sugar!

How do you rehydrate it?
Mix 1/2 cup of honey crystals with 2 1/2 T of very hot water.  Microwave for 20-30 seconds then stir well until all of the crystals are dissolved.  Allow to cool for 2-3 hours to thicken.  This is equivalent to 1/3 c of honey.

1 1/2 crystals + 1/2 c water = 1 cup of rehydrated honey

What are some other new product announcements?
Instant Brown Rice was just released and there are 2 others that will be coming out this month.

What do you hope for next?

Now doesn't this recipe look fabulous?

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