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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Introducing....Instant Brown Rice!

Click here to learn more about
our Instant Brown Rice
I would have to say the #1 product I've been asked about is Brown Rice.  Everyone says, I wish so badly that you guys had brown rice and I've told them, they're looking into it, but the oils make it difficult to store long term.  When I got this announcement email I knew I had to post it ASAP since many of you have been waiting for this jewel.  This product is available today so you can add it to your Q or order it online immediately. I did! Ahem...and I ordered it for a few friends.

Hey, give me a break.  I've REALLY been looking forward to this!

You want to know the best part?  A lot of us who have wanted to have brown rice in our food storage or home store know that because of healthy oils that are in brown rice, it doesn't store long (about 1 year tops).

What is the shelf life of THRIVE Instant Brown Rice? Shelf Reliance reords the shelf life of THRIVE Instant Brown Rice is 7 years!  Now that rocks my world! :)

Without further adieu...

A recipe from Cheff Todd featuring our newly released Instant Brown Rice!

What do you hope to see announced next?
I want Garlic!

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