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Thursday, March 1, 2012

Something Worth Fighting For

As you all know, I am very much into preparing to become self reliant in all aspects of my life.   Oftentimes, I think about the blessing of health that I have that makes planning for medications during challenging situations something to be even more grateful for.  I stumbled across this Mesothelioma Blog that is about a mother's personal journey and struggles about finding out she has been diagnosed with cancer while having a tiny little infant at home.  I thought this might be of interest to someone out there who may be having the same struggles and hope that it will appeal to someone during their time of need.  I touched my heart thinking of having to leave my children to undergo such a mentally, physically and emotionally stressful surgery to ensure being able to see my baby for years ahead.  You should check this page out. May God bless you all with strength and health through out this coming year.

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