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Monday, November 14, 2011

My New Favorite Shelf Reliance Product

I know that more than one person has shed a tear for the discontinued Dehydrated Mixed Bell Peppers that Shelf Reliance has decided to retire December of this year or whenever supplies run out....whichever comes first. Trust me, even many of the consultants have been begging SR to reverse this decision. If you loved them as much as most people, now will be your time to stock up before the last can leaves the shelf. While I too liked the Mixed Bell Peppers, it was husband's least favorite food due to its flavor and texture. They were tiny and flaky so they didn't have as much of a “presence” when it came to skillets. Needless to say, my family will be welcoming these wonderful strips of bell peppery goodness with open arms. I went to an Opportunity Meeting in Albuquerque last night and Jason Budge had these to sample.... I was in Heaven. They nearly melt it your mouth. The fresh aroma fills the air as soon as the can is opened. Then putting it in your mouth and tasting the sweet, then spice-melt-in-your-mouth-goodness is to die for. I think I may have just found a new favorite food. I thought that the Sweet and Sour Pineapple was delicious before, but now it is going to ROCK! Fajitas will be so moist and tender, pizza toppings so crisp and juicy, chili so warm and filling, Lasagna and stir I COME!!! Speaking of stir fry, I bet these will go great with the new Zucchini that was just released. Yahooey!

What do you use Bell Peppers in?
Which food wouldn't you be able to do without for a year?

Update: Due to customer and consultant requests, Shelf Reliance has decided not to retire the original mixed bell peppers.  Let your voice be heard!  What products do you love and wish they freeze dried...they listen.

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