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Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Drum Roll Please.....Announcing the New Under the Bed Storage

*I'm currently doing a giveaway on one of these.  For details, go to the giveaways tab.

I am so excited to introduce this new gem to ya! I used to have a lot of people ask me, "Where do you store your food?"  I say, "Under the bed."  They ask, "How do you rotate it?" The answer used to be, "Very Carefully!"  Now I can say... "Piece of cake!"  I'm really excited about this one so spread the word.   This beauty holds 90 soup cans or 70 pantry cans as pictured.

Under the Bed Storage
The dimensions when empty are:
Height: 10.5"
Depth: 24"
Width: 36"

Dimensions when full are:
Height: 14"
Depth: 24"
Width: 36"


  1. Entered to receive emails. My email u can reach me at is

  2. That person up there entered in the wrong area lol. I would like to win this one!!!
    meek_heidi@yahoo DOT com
