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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Free THRIVE Cookbook Drawing

It seems like its time for another drawing, don't you think so?  Since the most commonly researched item on my blog is the THRIVE cookbook (or Shelf Reliance cookbook)  I thought it would be nice to give one away.  Here's how to enter in just 3 easy steps:

1. Just post this picture on your blog:

2. Make it link to my website

3. Write a short blog entry on why you like Shelf Reliance, what your favorite item is and why you think it is important to get prepared.  Don't forget to email me at to let me know that you posted so I can check up on your post!

4. Become a follower on my blog.

Winner will be announced on June 1st.

Note: If you already have a cookbook, you can win one to give to a friend.

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