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Saturday, January 1, 2011

A LASTING New Year's Resolution

I am always grateful for New Year's Day as it gives me time to reflect on what I've accomplished in the past year and to focus on the things which really need work.  I have had getting my years supply of food storage as a goal for the past year and was able to get the basics under control (ie. beans, wheat, milk) but once I started thinking about what I was going to cook with these items in order to keep them rotated, I had a hard time thinking of a variety of meals that wouldn't require me to go the grocery store every now and then.  THRIVE foods allows me to add fruits, vegetables, meats, dairy and seasonings to my bland 1 year supply to make it a healthier and tastier outlook for me and my family.  My goal this year is to build up a supply of foods that would allow me to have delicious meals that would fit more under the MyPyramid recommended values rather than Bare Bones diet.  If anyone needs helps trying to figure out what their family needs, just email me and I can set up a customer profile for you on Shelf Reliance.  You can then use the FREE Food Planner to figure out just how much food your family needs of each of the different types of food.  It calculates everything based on the MyPyramid once you enter the gender, age and desired calorie count of each individual in your family.  I love this wonderful tool.  If you want to kick it up a notch and start having those goals met each month, I can help you sign up for the Q.

 The Q is a program which allows YOU to decide what amount of your grocery budget you would like to reallocate to food storage.  After you've filled out the Food Planner it allows you to adjust the amounts of each type of food to be whatever your family needs.  For example, my family has enough White Wheat, Black Beans and Powdered Milk to feed a small army, so I can remove those items.  However, I do not have enough egg powder, butter powder and other essentials so I can choose to get more of those items.  If the computer has showed that 3 #10 cans of cauliflower would be appropriate for my family in a year, but I know that my family only eats cauliflower on rare occasions, I can change that to 1 can of cauliflower and reallocate those needed vegetables to carrots, onions, or some other vegetable I know my family will eat more readily.  Once I've set up my food planner, I can now leave the Q on autopilot if I want, knowing that it won't go above my budget and it will only add the foods that I want.  Or, if I want to be more involved month to month, I can go online to my Thrive Q and see which items are set to ship out in a few days and edit it according to what I would like more quickly.  For example, if it is going to ship a can of green beans, strawberries and chicken this month, but I would prefer to stock up on the basics first, I can remove those items to have them shipped later, then add the powdered eggs, butter and baking powder I want first.  This is such a revolutionary tool that I will allow a lot of people to gain control over their food storage plan.  The most fantastic part of all is once you become a customer through me, you receive party prices FOR LIFE!!! That means you can stock up on whatever is on sale for that month if you want to keep getting the sales prices each month.

If you are interested in the Q, just email me at so I can set up a customer profile for you so you will be guaranteed the sale prices.  They have another promotion running now through February 15th which will allow someone to receive Platinum membership (receive points to earn free things based on the money you spend on your Q, free q-pons, recipes and other specials) for free. This is an awesome deal since after the 15th it will cost 79.99 for the Platinum membership plus a 19.99 annual fee. If you need more information about this or any other part of Shelf Reliance, just send me an email.

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